日本財団 図書館


6. Conservation of the Natural Marine Environment


Increasing density of coastal population. commensurate with the expansion needed for economic development, require vast areas for land use making it difficult to allocate space for marine parks and marine sanctuaries. However, Awaji Island, on the western periphery of Osaka bay has a lower density population and its coastal area is relatively less polluted. Therefore, perhaps the area south of the MAREX Complex can be considered for designation as a marine sanctuary. A marine sanctuary can be a relatively less polluted coastal area with esthetic environmental characteristics, that are desirable to preserve as a natural environment. A marine sanctuary on Awaji Island can serve as a standard for reference for comparison to the polluted coastal areas of Osaka Bay. However, the location may require some restoration and some environmental creation. The U.S.. having considerably more coastal land available than Japan, has established 13 marine sanctuaries. Monterey Bay, California, and the Florida Keys are good examples.


7. Environment Creation


Oceanographic studies of western Osaka Bay must be analyzed to determine if there are any options to improve the quality of the coastal environment. In particular, it is important to understand the profile of current circulation patterns, especially along the coast, from the surface to the sea floor, including seasonal variations. It may be possible to install offshore barriers or contour the seafloor to divert waters from the northwest sector fed by the Akashi strait to increase the flow rates and flushing rates along the Awaji coastline. Sediment movement is also very important because it is associated with the transport and fate of pollutants. At the International Marine Symposium in Sumoto on July 21.1996. Professor Emeritus H. Kadota Kyoto University indicated that the velocity of incoming water from the Pacific via Ku Suido is greater with increasing depth This enables cleaner Pacific waters to be transported further up the southern Awaji Island coast at depth. This suggests perhaps contouring the seafloor to project incoming waters upward to mix with surface waters near the Awaji coast. Also. self-powered, artificial upwelling techniques may be applicable. Depending on geological characteristics, it may also be possible and desirable to provide a more gradual slope from the Awaji shoreline in order to plant sea grasses and indigenous flora and attract marine fauna.


8. Benefits of the MAREX Complex


The MAREX Complex infrastructure should be developed as a premier facility to provide the basic functions of the environmental center and attract good researchers, guest lecturers, and interested visitors. This will have the dual benefit of performing its own function, and serving as a showcase to attract other related and complementary facilities For example the complex could feature: minimal use of fossil fuel as an energy source , use alternate renewable energy such as solar power; recyclable material; waste water treated and recycled; and mariculture and fish ranching methods.The MAREX Complex would become a model for" a sustainable future" for the 21st century. This could prove to become a valuable attraction for the promotion of Awaji Island as a premier location-- "the gem of Osaka Bay". Because of its close proximity to the heavily populated and industrialized areas of Kobe and Osaka it will have even greater value and importance.The MAREX Complex would begin to implement "the vision of the future", responding in accordance with Prime Minister Hashimoto's policy speech given last January and in accord with the general guidelines of Japan's Environmental Agency. MAREX would be a positive step toward development of a "Green Network" for Japan and the world. The MAREX could be linked with other centers in Japan and throughout the world using the environmental information super highway-- on the internet.


In order to pursue a program of this magnitude i.e. the sustainable development of Osaka Bay, the program must include projects to clean up the environment, restore and create a more favorable environment and conserve the remaining natural environment. In this regard, Awaji Island, along the western perimeter of Osaka Bay, provides better environmental features and potential for a Marine Environmental Complex, that can play a vital role in protecting and conserving the natural marine environment and contributing substantially to the sustainable development of Osaka Bay.


9. Conclusions & Recommendations


The Kansai Region and especially the coastal mega- infrastructure of Osaka Bay has tremendous potential for future economic growth. This growth can only be realized and sustained if there is a comparable parallel program for protection.




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